Grey Owl Mason’s success at Kitselas Five Tier System LP (K5T) is ongoing; he completed Carpentry Levels 1 and 2 and is working towards completing his work-based hours through the Kitselas Community-led Apprenticeship Development Program. His next goal is to upgrade to Carpentry Level 3 then continue forward with K5T’s Carpentry Program until he is a Red Seal Carpenter.
At first Grey Owl had an interest in bricklaying and took the training to become certified, then when he realized his true passion was in carpentry, he switched gears. He always had an interest in the Carpentry trade and was encouraged to follow the path by the leaders of a construction company he previously worked for; he was also inspired by one of his friends who was a Red Seal Carpenter. Then in perfect timing, K5T opened the doors to their new Carpentry Program and everything fell into place. He has enjoyed the many lessons learned, but a highlight was learning how to build a house and a foundation. Grey Owl is proud to have a skilled trade under his belt and looks forward to building his own house in the near future.
“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or change your mind. Make sure to ask a lot of questions. Some jobs might require more stamina where you have to be both mentally and physically tough. No matter what, keep going”. – Grey Owl Mason